Student Councils


The Student Executive Council, or STUDEX, meets once per legislative cycle and is charged with approving the schedule and agenda for Students Assembly, tracking advisory board attendance, office policy enforcement, and serving as a compromise committee to reconcile conflicting amendments made by Student Councils. StudEx may be called into session over the summer to address time-sensitive issues when the Student Senate is not in formal session.

Within the KU Student Senate, there are three Student Councils that make up the backbone of the legislative branch. Each legislative cycle begins with a series of Student Council meetings, in which a bill passes in two Student Councils before moving to a final vote in the Students Assembly. The three (3) Student Councils are: Finance, Social Justice, and Student Rights & Affairs. Attendance in a Student Council is required for all Student Senators, but any other students at KU can also vote within a Student Council. Voting rights are guaranteed at the first meeting of the semester for non-Senators, or if a student attends two consecutive meetings.


For more information about a specific Student Council, email one of the members of Student Council leadership below:


Student Council Chair: Megan Stopperan,

Vice Chair: VACANT

Secretary: VACANT


Social Justice

Student Council Chair: Monisha Biswa,

Vice Chair: VACANT

Secretary: VACANT


Student Rights & Affairs

Student Council Chair: Simrah Javed,

Vice Chair: Emma Atherton,

Secretary: VACANT


Please email our Coordinator of Staff at with any questions.